Chemical bonds
How Amanullah Sk from India succeeded in obtaining a grant for a postdoctoral position at ETH Zurich and how André Wunder from EU GrantsAccess helped him. This is the story of their success.
A Journey Through EU Grant Applications and the Beauty of Microrobotics
Almost no one in Zurich has submitted as many applications for European research funds as he has – and his success rate also tops them all: a conversation with Salvador Pané Vidal, Co-Director of the Multi-Scale Robotics Lab at ETH
Reversing resistance development
How a radical approach is to slow down the increase of antibiotic-resistant pathogens in Europe and whether this can succeed. An interview with Walter Zingg, Head of Hospital Hygiene at the University Hospital Zurich.
Horizon Europe and Switzerland – the interim status
14 July marked the second anniversary of Switzerland's exclusion from the EU's Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation, currently Horizon Europe. Philipp Langer, Head of International Research and Innovation Programmes at the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI),