On the richness of life in the oceans
What fascinates her so much about plankton, how she gets her data and why she likes working in EU research projects. On the road with Meike Vogt, climate researcher and marine ecologist at ETH Zurich.
Where medicine alone cannot help
What happens when a child is born with a variation of sex characteristics? And what does the care of these people look like over the years? A conversation with Paediatrician and Bioethicist Jürg Streuli and his doctoral student Martin Gramc
The power of data and how research impacts policy
How can financial crises be prevented? What policies and strategies are needed for the ideal handling of financial institutions and financial crises? Professor of Banking Steven Ongena is researching these global questions – also with the support of the ERC.
Researchers who want funding from the Horizon Europe programme usually apply for an ERC Grant or a Marie Skłodovska-Curie Fellowship, submit a collaborative project with research partners or apply for funding to contribute to strengthening Europe's innovative capacity. But Horizon