Legal Expertise and Support @ EU GrantsAccess
What happens if I participate in a European or international consortium? Can I still publish? Can I keep up and develop my Intellectual Property portfolio? What about confidentiality? What about limitation of liability? How do I run a project? What about funds?
EU GrantsAccess will support you in these and numerous other questions concerning your international grant. Many of the answers are found in the already established legal frameworks and agreements. EU GrantsAccess is making sure that your project is set up in compliance with the contractual obligations entailed by the funding agencies as well as with the internal regulations of your institution.
A group of four EU GrantsAccess team members has acquired comprehensive knowledge related to the contractual framework and legal issues of international research projects involving public funding. They support the entire team and advise researchers during every stage of the project from the initial proposal until its completion. For ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich, our Legal Team is happy to take over contract negotiations for all international contracts, including Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA), Consortium Agreements and individual Subcontracts or Secondments.